27 July - Genesis 48

We’re back in Genesis today, chapter 48.
  1. In this chapter we see Israel at the end of his life. Joseph comes to see him and introduce him to his two grandsons for the first time.
  2. Israel is understandably very happy to see his grandchildren. He even says he never expected to see his son again and now he gets to see his grandchildren. 
  3. Then Israel blesses his grandchildren. This is something we see a lot in the Old Testament of the Bible. We’re not sure exactly how it works but obviously God honored the choice of fathers and grandfathers who decided who to “bless” first in their family. Again, it’s odd to us because it isn’t something that happens anymore but it was normal back then.
God blessed Israel more than he ever expected. Israel probably prayed a thousand times to see his son again but God gave him much more. Not only did Israel get to see Joseph but also his grandchildren. God usually has a way bigger plan for us and our lives than we do. Maybe you’re praying for something particular right now in your life. Trust God and start asking him to fulfill his plans for your life and in his timing.

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